Afya Investments Co-operative Society LTD:
This comprises of 16 residential maisonettes located at Kamburu Drive off Ngong Road and Afya Co-operative Center a 21-storey high-rise building, situated in Nairobi City. Afya Investments are fully owned by the shareholders of Afya Sacco. Both the maisonettes and Co-operative House are rented out to generate income to members. This income flows back to members as dividends which are distributed yearly.
Afya Center acts as the Headquarters of both Afya Sacco Society and the Front Office Services Activities of the Sacco (FOSA). It is a major business center that houses specialized medical clinics, banks, restaurant amongst other offices.
Over the counter:
Afya Investment has pioneered an over the counter (O.T.C) facility, in the field of share trading, that enables members trade their Investment shares (not listed in the stock exchange). The concept of the over the counter (O.T.C) follows that of the stock exchange; that is; willing seller, willing buyer, with prices being determined by market forces. The facility is being operated from the Investment Offices at Afya Centre and is open to members of Afya Sacco Ltd. A transfer fee of 3% of the value of the shares is charged subject to a minimum of Kshs. 100.
Both the Afya Holding and Investment have created a solid financial base for the Afya Society and the members as a whole.
Branch Investments:
The Society encourages members to come together to undertake investments in the branches through joint ventures in identified projects such as land buying, plots development, starting business enterprises etc.